8 Packaged Application Management

This chapter describes the licensed features and access points of the Application products available for Oracle Enterprise Manager. The following management packs are included:

8.1 Application Management Suite for Siebel

This product offers comprehensive application management capabilities that help IT organizations simplify the administration and monitoring of their Siebel Enterprise environments. The Application Management Suite for Siebel is composed of the following physical components:

The management suite contains a restricted use license of RUEI for use against the core Siebel application. The management suite also includes a restricted use license of Siebel Test Automation (STA) for running synthetic transaction monitoring scripts. The STA license does not cover the use of test automation tools to perform neither functional nor load tests against the Siebel application.

Siebel Diagnostic Tool, a standalone utility released with the Siebel Media Pack since Siebel 8.0, is licensed as part of Oracle Application Management Suite for Siebel. All features and capabilities of this tool require the Oracle Application Management Suite for Siebel license.

The following sections discuss the licensed features and links for the Application Management Suite for Siebel and the Service Level Management and Configuration Management licensed features and links within this product:

8.1.1 Application Management Suite for Siebel Features

The Application Management Suite for Siebel includes the following features:

Feature Description
Automatic discovery Discover Siebel components. Create system and services targets with all of the associated infrastructure components
Blackouts Suspend monitoring on targets to support scheduled maintenance periods.
Configuration management Track configuration parameters, take configuration snapshots, and compare configurations
Event log analysis Find relevant log files to troubleshoot problems faster.
Management Connectors Helpdesk (ticketing) connectors open helpdesk tickets for incidents raised in Enterprise Manager. Event connectors share event information with other management systems.
Metric and Alert/Event History View metric and alert/event history and its associated details.
Metric Extensions Create new metrics to monitor conditions specific to customer environments.
Monitoring and diagnostics Receive real-time metrics, historical data, and alerts. Examine log files and analyze SARM data.
Monitoring Templates and Template Collections Monitoring Templates encapsulate target monitoring settings and can later be applied against many targets. Template Collections (with administration groups) automate the deployment of management settings on targets as they join the group.
Notifications Define and use different notification methods including e-mail, running custom OS scripts, PL/SQL procedures and SNMP traps; repeat notifications, use of notification-related actions in incident rule sets, administrator notification schedules.
Oracle HTTP Server Monitoring the health of the Oracle HTTP Server
Real user monitoring Obtain comprehensive insights on how end-users use the application and the experience that is delivered.
Service level management Monitor Siebel applications using beacon transactions and service dashboards.
Workflow process and policy monitoring Identify the first indication of problems before they cause major disruptions to business processing

8.1.2 Application Management Suite for Siebel Support for Real User Monitoring

Application Management Suite for Siebel's Real User Monitoring provides an out-of-the-box real-user monitoring solution for Siebel applications that automatically discovers Siebel applications and translates network objects to business functions, thereby allowing measurement and monitoring of real-user transactions — from clicks to views into business transactions.

Each individual user action is automatically matched to the correct screen, applet, or view to provide contextual analyses. This state-of-the-art monitoring solution captures and reports all functional errors, discovers end-user performance issues, and discovers Siebel application issues. Application managers can set up Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) and report views of interest of their critical packaged applications.

All the capabilities for Oracle Real User Experience Insight as documented in Chapter 7, "End User Monitoring" are available as part of the Application Management Suite for Siebel license. However, the restricted license for Real User Experience Insight only allows RUEI to be used for monitoring Siebel applications developed using the Siebel Smart Client (HI - High Interactivity), Standard Interactivity (SI), or ADF framework for Siebel self-service applications. Customers who want to use Real User Experience Insight to monitor other applications need to obtain a full use license of the product.

8.1.3 Accessing Application Management Suite for Siebel Licensed Links

The following information describes the Enterprise Manager links that require licensing of the Application Management Suite for Siebel.

Licensed Page/Link How to Access
Siebel System Targets page From the Enterprise Summary home page, click the Targets menu, then Siebel . Select Enterprise from the View drop-down list. This page is a licensed feature of the Application Management Suite for Siebel.
Add Siebel Enterprise page From the Enterprise Summary home page, click the Targets menu, then Siebel . Select Enterprise from the View drop-down list. From the Siebel System Targets page, click Add Siebel Enterprise . This page and all subsequent pages within the process are licensed features.
Siebel Enterprise Home From the Enterprise Summary home page, click the Targets menu, then Siebel . Select Enterprise from the View drop-down list. From the Siebel System Targets page, select a link for a Siebel Enterprise . This page and all subsequent pages accessed through the Home Page are licensed features.
Siebel Server Home From the Enterprise Summary home page, click the Targets menu, then Siebel . Select Enterprise from the View drop-down list. From the Siebel System Targets page, select a link for a Siebel Server . This page and all subsequent pages accessed through the Home Page are licensed features.
Siebel Enterprise resultant page From the Enterprise Summary home page, click the Targets menu, then Systems . On the Systems page, click the link in the Name column for a system with Type of Siebel Enterprise . The resultant page contents are licensed features.
Siebel Gateway Server Home Page From the Enterprise Summary home page, click the Targets menu, then All Targets . On the All Targets page, click Siebel Gateway Server under Applications. The resultant page contents are licensed features.
Siebel Component Page From the Enterprise Summary home page, click the Targets menu, then All Targets . On the All Targets page, click Siebel Component under Applications. The resultant page contents are licensed features.
Siebel Database Repository Page From the Enterprise Summary home page, click the Targets menu, then All Targets . On the All Targets page, click Siebel Database Repository under Applications. The resultant page contents are licensed features.

8.1.4 Application Management Suite for Siebel Support for Service Level Management

Features associated with Enterprise Manager Cloud Control Service Level Management (SLM) are also licensed as part of the Oracle Application Management Suite for Siebel. These SLM features are restricted for use with Siebel applications and only for the CPUs licensed. They cannot be used for extensions to Siebel. Extensions include but are not limited to custom forms, JSPs, Java/J2EE code, and integrations using BPEL.

SLM actively monitors and reports on the availability and performance of services, including end-user business functions, applications, and infrastructure components. In addition, SLM assesses the business impact of any service problem or failure and indicates whether service-level goals have been met. Licensed Command Line Interface (CLI) Verbs

The following Enterprise Manager CLI verbs are licensed as part of Service Level Management within the Application Management Suite for Siebel:

8.1.5 Application Management Suite for Siebel Support for Configuration Management

Configuration management automates the process of managing host software and hardware configurations and deployments. The configuration management features that are licensed as part of the Oracle Application Management Suite for Siebel provides capabilities such as search and compare across all systems, configuration monitoring, policy management and compliance support, security configuration scoring and dashboards, and comprehensive reporting for Siebel-specific software components, which include:

Configuration Management features of the Application Management Suite for Siebel enable users to:

The following sections describe the support for configuration management offered through the Application Management Suite for Siebel: Additional Licensed Configuration Management Capabilities

Application Management Suite for Siebel provides comprehensive configuration management capabilities for operating system targets and Siebel application targets as specified above. Accessing Siebel-Specific Licensed Links

The following licensed pages and links of this product apply to Siebel-specific targets within Enterprise Manager. These targets include Siebel Enterprise, Siebel Server, Siebel Component Group, Siebel Component, Siebel Required Component Group, Siebel Functional Component Group, Siebel Database Repository, Siebel Gateway Server, Siebel Application Service (HI), and Siebel Application Service (SI).

Licensed Page/Link How to Access
All Targets Policy Violations links From the Enterprise Summary page, all links in the All Targets Policy Violations section are licensed.
Hardware and Operating System related information From the Enterprise Summary page, all Hardware and Operating System related information in the Deployment Summary section are licensed.

From the Groups home page, click the Administration tab. All Hardware and Operating System related information in the Deployment Summary section are licensed.

From the Enterprise Summary home page, click the Targets menu, then Groups . On the Groups page, this link is licensed. Application Management Suite for Siebel Configuration Management Licensed Reports

The following reports are part of the licensed features of Configuration Management within the Application Management Suite for Siebel. All reports in each of these sections are features of Configuration Management within the Application Management Suite for Siebel. To display the Report Definitions page, click the Reports menu on the Enterprise Summary home page.