Partnership Agreements for Law Firms, 2nd Edition

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Author(s): Nicholas Wright

Publication date: Jul 2011

Format: Softback

Pages: 111

Price: £199.00

Discounted Price: £119.40

ISBN: 9781907787638

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Softback eBook Globe Law Online 5 user licence Secure 40% discount today. Enter 'SALE2024' at the checkout

This critical report provides the most up-to-date and detailed guide to the practical, regulatory and ethical considerations that must be reflected in your partnership agreement.

Extensively revised, the second edition of Partnership Agreements for Law Firms features new case studies and real-life examples, including a sample agreement precedent and comprehensive updates to reflect how new legal and regulatory developments will affect your deed.

Key subjects covered include:

Ensure you understand the necessary considerations of an agreement that not only fulfils legislative requirement, but ensures the attraction, retention and motivation of the best talent for your firm.

Price: £199.00

Discounted Price: £119.40

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